I am eternally grateful for the many expresssions of support and encouragement that I have gotten from so many It means a lot.. I have had some meaningful conversations with XM and it appears that the show will soon be returning to the airwaves. I will let everyone know exactly when the deal is signed. There is also a internet show in the works In other words " You Can't Keep A good Man Down. " When we reconnect we have so much catching up to do.
Let's talk about the type of things that You want delve into.
I could not resist engaging you in a question about the Democratic Race for the Party nomination.
If Obama is ultimately selected to be standard bearer for the Democrats , will a considerable amount of his white and GOP support walk away?
Will Hilary Clinton walk away from her campaign if she doesnt win Ohio or Texas? What if there is a split in these contests?
Friday, February 29, 2008
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G. DUB. Thats great news! There a lot we can talk about, but here is something to hopfully get people thinking and maybe just stir the pot.
Give Howard Dean the BOOT!!!
Michigan and Florida’s delegates? I’m glade to see Clinton win Ohio because its most likely going to be a tight fight and may end up going to the convention with out a clear party nominee. If this is the case, then it will end up shinning a light on the flawed process and mistakes made by the DNC’s chair person along the way. Then Hopefully we as Americans can fight to reform the process, fix the flaws, ensure that everyone’s vote will be counted and no American will every be disenfranchised again.
Florida, Clinton and Obama both disobeyed the DNC’s chairs marching orders and left there names on the voting ballots. Clinton and Obama didn’t ask the residents of Florida for there Vote or campaign in the state of Florida, but the residents of Florida were given a change to vote for the person who they felt was best to lead the Democratic party. The residents of Florida have spoken and chose Clinton, no reason for a recount now. I also feel that since the DNC chair person said Florida broke the rules and attempted to move up in the process there delegates WILL NOT be counted or seated at the convention. Hold Howard Dean accountable for his choices “don‘t change the rules now, because it will be a competitive disadvantage for one campaign” Howard Dean. In addition, Dean has said multiple times on CNN and other medial outlets that he will not change the rules in the middle of the process.
Bottom line, let history be accurate and follow the rules in place before the process started. Florida’s delegates should not count or be seated at the convention. The history books should reflect that the residents did vote for Clinton but the state broke the rules and as a result the 2008 delegates were not seated or counted. Flawed but accurate, democracy in process. It will be a real model of democracy for Iraq and the rest of the world.
Michigan, Clinton was smart enough to leave her name on the ballot but Obama and others made a Foolish choice to remove there names from the voting ballot. The residents of Michigan were given a choice for Clinton, Gravel, Kinsinched, or none of the above “uncommitted.” A uncommitted vote is not a vote for a candidate (Obama, Edwards, Dodd, Richardson, Biden), its only a vote against the four named candidates. The residents of Michigan who chose to vote in the primary election were not given a choice to vote for the person who they felt was best to lead the party. Look at the uncommitted vote in Michigan, and look at the low turn out. Michigan’s delegates should not be counted or seated at the convention because the DNC has no way of changing the rules now with out giving a unfair advantage to a campaign. In addition, the residents of Michigan will not have the same choices because all of the candidates are no longer in the race.
The history books need to be accurate and show that the residents of Michigan were disenfranchised but democracy was hard at work. Michigan didn’t play by the rules by attempting to move up in the primary process and paid the penalty by being disenfranchised during the 2008 primary process. Again this is a model of working democracy for Iraq, America, and the rest of the world.
With this mess being the 2008 primary process, I feel there will be a great chance to reform the process for 2012 process. I feel that all Americans should be able to vote in the primary election on the same day just like the general election. Look at the republican voters in IN, NC, KY, etc they didn’t get a chance to voter for there party leader because a leader is picked before they were given a chance to vote. I’m a independent voter and I fell that its not fair to the republican voters in states who have not voted yet, but again , these are the present rules, and we must play by the rules.
This election process will fill the history books with good and bad, highlight the process, and be a true model of democracy across America and around the world.
Disenfranchised voter in Michigan
GW hello,
I would like to re-ask one of your first questions on this blog, what’s race got to do with this? Again, I'm in support of Obama as president, but he has a real problem on his hand and its connecting with the Latino voters.
Look at the break down in Texas,and California Latino/Hispanic voters went 2 to 1 for Clinton. Hispanic voters out number black voters and I now find it very interesting that Obama camp is saying how Black voters have now joined him, when at the start black voters didn’t fully support Obama because he has not openly advocated issues facing black Americans. I think that Clinton also benefited in TX and OH from republicans voting for her to keep the democrats fighting.
Obama is now starting to face some of the real mud slings and he is not even receiving a full assault from the republican party yet. This primary election process needs some work and its going to be interesting to see how it all plays out.
GW the world is waiting your return! Today would not be soon enough. You know, Obama has not seen anything yet, and he is in for the fight of his life. I would love to think that this country has come to a point that it would elect a Blackman to the highest position in this land, but I feel that when the rubber hits the road this is just not going to happen. I only wish I could share the enthusiasm my people have for this possibility. The system has shown us so many times in the past what they really think of us. In fact Michelle Obama was scrutinized for merely stating a truth that most African Americans believe. I wouldn’t be surprised if the opponents of Obama ask the American people straight up if we would really elect a Blackman. I hope I’m wrong on all this, but we will see.
GW, XM was not wise to take you off the air, particularly during an election year. I know that they suffered big time in cancelled subscriptions for this huge blunder. Let’s hope they have the sense to right that wrong, and try to recapture some of their audience.
Howard Dean is going to have to step and take one for the team!
It seams as thought Howard Dean made some MAJOR mistakes with Florida and Michigan. How can a leader in DC tell the residents of Florida and Michigan your votes will not count, and then expect the residents to fall in line in November? Foolish, move on the part of a so called leader...
After studying the problem, Howard will have to seat and count the delegates of Florida with out doing a recount. Florida Residents were given a chance to vote for the person who they felt would be best to lead and all names were on the ballot. Florida residents also had record turn out during there primary election, the people of Florida have spoken, Howard Dean must listen to the people.
Michigan is a mess! Obama, Edwards, Richardson, Dodd and Biden all removed there names from the voting ballot per the request of Howard Dean. This move showed political inexperience (Dean, Obama, Edwards, Richardson, Dodd, and Biden). Clinton, is making a mistake attempting to take the delegates of Michigan, because as we all know Michigan didn't have free and fair elections. Howard Dean has not one time spoken up against Clinton, Gravel, or Kinsinage for not following his marching orders and remove there names from the Michigan ballot.
Silence speaks loudly, Howard Dean! Finally, the biggest problem, is that NONE of the presidential candidates ASKED the residents of Michigan for there support or vote per Howard Dean's orders to boy cot.
Only the Democrats are fighting but Republicans are facing similar issues in Florida and Michigan. The difference is that the Republican chair person showed good political JUDGEMENT and didn't remove all of the delegates, and more importantly the RNC didn't tell there candidates to ignore the voters and not to campaign or ask for there vote! RNC left them self’s a way out and still be “punished for breaking the rules.”
Howard Deans, mismanagement of the DNC is going to end up giving the white house to John McCain, and business as usual politicas! Time for Dean to step up and do what’s best for the party! Its Dean’s job to unite the party!
Finally, Dean is quietly a Clinton supporter and he gambled that he could take a hard line approach and silence Florida and Michigan and he didn’t believe Obama or anyone else would be in the race at this point. Dean was betting on Clinton getting to 2,025 delegates and super delegates and telling Florida, and Michigan O-Well!
Howard Dean is not a supporter of CHANGE, he is business as usual in DC! Pay attention Democrats!
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