Thursday, February 14, 2008

Forward To The Main Event

Depending on who you talk to, The Democratic race for The Presidential nomination is a done deal and that Senator Obama will get the party nod. That may be how things work out. However there is still a lot of time and anything can happen.
For the sake of this conversation, I am curious about your thoughts on the possibility of a Black President Of The United States. What would be different and how? Will a large percentage of White voters go in a different direction when confronted with the actual possibility that their vote could result in putting person of color into the nation's highest office?
When you look at Senator Mccain do you see a formidable candidate or one that Republicans will reluctantly support for the sake of party unity.


No Worries said...

G.W. we all miss your show,

I feel that there is no dispute that Obama has the party lead at this time, but I also would say DON'T write off Clinton just yet. Clinton is still in a position to cause Obama problems, possibility stopping him from getting 2100 delegates. If Obama can win TX and OH then I fell that Clinton will have to step aside and clear the way for Obama.

I'm very much in support of a black president leading this country, but I must be honest, I really don't believe anything will be any different in the lives of Black folks with Obama as president. Obama has taken the position of NOT taking a stand and advocating for black issues in America. Obama has taken this stand so he will not turn off white voters which he needs to become president. I have no reason to believe that Obama will do a 180* change when he takes office, and that is just being real about the campaign.

I feel that Obama will carry most of the white voters that have already voted for him in the primary, but I also feel there will be few who go in a different direction when at the ballot box.

I feel that John McCain is a formidable candidate because of George W. Bush. Baby Bush, ran a campaign of being the "Great Uniter" but the reality is that Baby Bush has divided this country more that any other president. Because of that, I feel that Americans are looking for more moderate candidates, and look at who is leading each party at this time Obama and McCain.

Anonymous said...

G. DUB hello,

With all that's been going in the campaign (Obama, Clinton, McCain, and Nader) lately, I've gone back and read all of the postings here. G.W. there is no DOUBT that you have experience and wisdom when it comes to American politics.

In your question you reference that anything could happen, and O-Boy has stuff ever happened Michigan, Florida, and the DNC are now in the national headlines, when some at the DNC though they (MI & FL) would be silenced, Ralph Nader is back in the race and calling Obama and Clinton CORPORATE POLITICANS, and John "hot head" McCain has his blessing from baby Bush. And lets not forget about the SUPER DELEGATES, no matter what happens with Michigan and Florida's delegates, its no surprise to me that the SUPER DELEGATES will name our next KING/QUEEN!

G.W. you do an EXCELLENT JOB keeping use focused on the issues, asking the tough questions, thinking about how the issues effect our lives, and not cought up in the day to day HYPE!