Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fasten Your Seat Belts

It is starting to resemble a 12 round boxing match. In the earlier rounds Obama did the political equivalent of the " Ali Shuffle " while confounding Hillary . However as we get into what some describe as the " Championship Rounds" the earlier body shots delivered by Clinton are showing that they are having effect. In other words Obama is going to have to dig into the reserve tank to recapture his earlier energy level. " Yes We Can" must become " Yes I Am ( ready to throwdown).
In spite of the best efforts of some to ignore the issue of race, this 800 pound Gorilla will not leave the room and must be adressed. How will the Democratic National Committee deal with perhaps it's most loyal constituency ifHillary Clinton is given the nomination in a brokered convention? If Obama is " dogged ( so to speak) by the DNC will African American voters support the party choice or express their displeasure by staying home or voting GASP! Republican? If the DNC doesn't already have enough on its plate there is loud murmur coming from members of The Congressional Black Caucus who are not happy about the choices that theDNC makes in choosing vendors, consultants, pollsters and others who are vital to the operation of the Democratic Party. I f You haven't guessed by now, CBC members and others are not pleased with the scarcity of African American in key positions. When the question came up, The DNC was quick to point out that there are at least four African Americans in key positions . That response did nothing to assuage dues paying lawmakers who feel that they deserve a little more " bang for their buck"

Like it or not the candidacy of Barrack Obama will force us to take a close critical look at The Democratic National Committee and it's relationship with African Americans. The coming weeks and months promise to be quite revealing and undoubtedly will show the ugly side of electoral politics.
African American voters have a lot to consider as we look at the Democratic Party and it"s standard bearers. Will we follow the party or our intelligence.? These questions must be answered. In the meantime, You will notice that the " FASTEN SEAT BELT sign is on and will stay on as we approach real turbulence.


Anonymous said...

G. Dub,

Again, you’ve set a full FIVE COURSE MEAL at the table, so were do we begin.

I’ll start with something extremely close to me, Michigan. Obama in my opinion, is making a MAJOR mistake and displaying political inexperience by not acknowledging the residents of Michigan and asking for there support and votes. Clinton is displaying her ability to play the game of politics is stronger than Obama’s in Michigan and the Midwest including IN, and PA. Clinton’s attack on Obama about his real views on NAFTA gave her the victory in Ohio, which is unfortunate for Obama because truth be told they both are not that far apart on NAFTA. Again, Clinton is gaining momentum in Michigan because her campaign talking heads are calling our Obama and telling him to put his MONEY were his mouth is and split the cost of a recount in Michigan. I personally feel that the residents of Michigan should be given a chance to have there vote counted and I feel the cost of a recount should be split into thirds (DNC, Clinton, and Obama).

Florida, in my opinion, is SIMPLE. Howard Dean needs to stop playing politics and stop up setting Democrats. The residents of Florida were given a chance to vote for all of the candidates even though Dean told them all to remove there names from the voting ballot. The residents of Florida turned out in RECORD NUMBERS over 1.7 MILLION and voted. Clinton won Florida, bottom line no need for a recount. Obama needs to concede Clinton’s victory in Florida and Howard Dean needs to count and seat ALL of Florida’s delegates, Clinton should get her share and Obama should get his share. Howard Dean needs to stop trying to deflect his lack of JUDGEMENT onto Florida’s Republican Governor and congress. Howard Dean can fix the mess in Florida, if he managed to display good JUDGEMENT.

New flash, SUPER DELEGATES will pick the party nominee not the delegates of Michigan or Florida. Clinton or Obama will need the vote of the Super Delegates in order to reach the magic number of 2,025. With that being said, if you are reading this and don’t live in Michigan and you are pulling for a candidate to win, then you need to let the SUPER DELEGATES of your state know who they should vote for and why, DEMOCORACY IN PROGRESS.

The Congressional Black Caucus members are not happy with the Howard Dean lead DNC. HHUUUMMMM, now this is very interesting? As a disenfranchised BLACK voter in the state of Michigan I’ve not heard 1 member of the CBC speak up and say my vote should be counted? Also, I just don’t see the CBC fighting hard enough or loud enough about the issues facing minorities in America, but I will say its better LATE than NEVER! In my opinion the CBC members SHOULDN’T be murmuring, but instead the CBC members should be SHOUTTING from the rafters and bring it to the NATIONS ATTENTION that the DNC is not including African Americans into position of power and influence. If the CBC can not get the DNC’s attention during a presidential election, then why should I think the CBC will have the attention of the DNC after the election is over and when the new administration is implementing new policy? I HOPE the CBC will be able to remove any doubt that I have, but only time will tell.

The 800 pound Gorilla has never left the room, and now its starting to beat is chest! Race! Look at the politician from Iowa speaking OPENILY over the radio air waves about how in his opinion, “the rest of the world, especially Muslim extremist people would view America if Barrack Husain Obama becomes our nations leader.” need any more be said? Where is the CBC, Obama, Clinton and McCain? I don’t hear any of them speaking up against there colleague from Iowa. It’s quite possible there colleague from Iowa is saying in public what many are talking about in private! The “Black and Brown divide.” is real. Obama doesn’t have the full support of the Latino/Hispanic community, how will he earn the trust, respect, and votes of this community? The DNC ignores issues facing one of its largest voting blocks inter cities. If we don’t talk about the issues (RACE) then we really should expect things to CHANGE! Pay Attention Americans!!!

G. DUB, well that was a filling five course meal…Thank you! But I have to say that I’m still Hungary…lol Even though there are a lot of issues in this campaign that still need to be dealt with I feel DEMOCARY is at work as long as we are talking about things and seeking real solutions. G. DUB, I’m trying to “walk softly,” but for some reason, I just keep STOMPPING my FEET…lol I still have some growing to do…lol

No Worries said...

Obama has just given a HISTORIC speech regarding RACE relations in America. I feel that he did an EXCELLENT job of out lining his personal views and painting a picture that ALL Americans could relate to if they choose to listen. I feel that its very important to get McCain and Clinton to also engage the dialog. All three candidates are seeking the power of the presidency and should be held accountable to address real issues like RACE relations in America.

No Worries said...

Questions for Senator Obama?

Senator Obama’s lack of action regarding a few recent historic events during this presidential campaign season just leaves me scratch my head and asking WHY?

This past weekend was the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s death. Dr. King was killed in Memphis, TN and thousands of AMERICANS united to acknowledge all that Dr King accomplished during his life this past weekend in Memphis, TN.

Candidates for President John McCain and Hillary Clinton appeared in Memphis, TN and even took time to speak to the AMERICAN’S who traveled to Memphis and watched the events on Cable News Networks. Senator Obama for some reason made a choice to be on The View (talk show) and speak in Ft. Wayne, IN instead of making a appearance in Memphis, TN…

WHY Senator Obama??? Senator Obama could be on The View when ever he chooses to, so why go on the 40th anniversary of Dr. King’s death??? What a FOOLISH move Senator Obama this historic moment in time can not be recaptured!!!

If Dr. King didn’t make the sacrifices he did then Senator Obama wouldn’t have ANY of the opportunities he has been given to this day…

Dr King is a National recognized figured in AMERICAN History, there is a federal holiday on his birthday, and a monument is being constructed in DC on the national mall in Dr. King’s memory.

I feel that Senator Obama should have made a choice to be in Memphis, TN this weekend and to be fair, Presidents Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Carter should have also made an appearance in Memphis, TN this past weekend.

In addition Senator Obama has made a choice to skip Tavis Smiley’s State of The Black Union for the past two years, Senator Obama has also made a choice to run the clock out on the disenfranchised residents of Michigan, and ignore the disenfranchised voters of Florida who happen to vote for his opponent, Senator Obama will grant Univision unlimited access to his campaign, but he will not spend equal money in other minority owned media outlets?

Senator Obama has given a much needed speech regarding race relations in American back in mid March and sparking a needed conversation regarding race relations in American, I was just SHOCKED that Senator Obama refused to attend any of the events in Memphis, TN this past weekend...

Senator Obama, is making some choices that leave me asking is he buying the message he is selling HOPE and CHANGE?