Thursday, January 24, 2008

Looking Ahead

Looking at the bitter exhanges bewteen Obama and Clinton, Is it reasonable to ask what or who is driving this mean spirited dialogue? Is the nastiness between the two "leading candidates the best thing that the GOP could have ever hoped for? Those who support The Republicans have some decisions to make concerning the future direction of their party. Which of the current GOP candidates represents the true face of the Republican Party?


Anonymous said...

This is Monique from OKC. Forgot my blogger name.

I find this infighting very interesting in the sense that maybe this childish squabbling will in some way united Blacks in a common cause to defend a Black man. With all of the violence that is occurring as I type on the continent of Afrika, Blacks are only tuned in to the Clinton, Obama drama. Race is becoming such a talked about issue and Non-Blacks are really starting to show their true colors because of this presidential race.

These two individuals really dislike each other. The GOP should pounce on this feud if they are smart and turn it into an advantage if they want to keep control of the White House. Not to say that having a Dem in the house would be any different. Don't worry though because Obama has some powerful help in Sen. Kerry and Sen. Daschle. Check out this link.

No matter what party takes the office, it is still a no-win situation for Black people all across the world. With the economy collapsing and Afrika in turmoil, Black people are in for a very rude and very calamitous awakening.

By the way, when will we be able to hear your voice on air again?

No Worries said...

I really beleive that its over due to turn down the infighting on the Demcoratic side and Howard Deen should have given marching orders to turn it down two months ago. The GOP has not even started the mud sling yet because they don't have to yet.

Dem's are so divided (race, gender, liberal, moderate) now that who ever wins the primary is going to have to heal the dem party just to even have a chance. After the priamary election the GOP will start there attacks and it could turn off even more voters and possabilty lead to there keeping the white house.

Finally, Howard Deen is the GOP's best friend. Deen has managed to upset BLUE voters in Michigan and Florida by telling them there votes don't count. In addation, these BLUE states have now had a chance to highlight and promote the Republican Party! Deen gave the order for the Dem presidental candiats to boycott MI and FL while the republican jumped on the opportunity given to them to promote there adjanda.

Which ever party wins Michigan and Florida will win the white house. Rember the eletroical college?